Sunday, October 12, 2014

Badge G - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 discovers many types of technology in the classroom. The first concept that I read about is virtual school. I understand this concept because I took part in a virtual school class while I was in high school. I think that virtual school is a great set up for students who homeschooling, or need to be able to work at a pace that is more comfortable for them. My teacher was very involved and made my experience very positive, and if I needed extra attention in a certain area, then I was given more time for my assignments to be completed. I would recommend virtual school for home school group, as well as teachers who would like to be a teacher but cannot devote themselves to an every day classroom. I would love to learn more about how to do this myself one day! The next concept that I found interesting was lesson plan websites. I can imagine that these sorts of websites would become very convenient, especially for new teachers. I hope to be exposed to them as well, because i think that they would help me add variety in my classroom lessons. The last term that was completely new for me. Information management, according to the book "is a business term generally used to describe how organizations and systems keep track of date for making decisions and setting policies" (Maloy, Verock-O'Loughlin, Edwards, Woolf, p.133). I am sure that in the classroom, this will be helpful for me and all teachers so that we can keep all of our technology that we use. By having organization it will help us keep everything in line and have a better flow in the classroom. These things will not only be useful for teachers, but they will benefit our students as well. TRY THE QUIZ!

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