Saturday, October 4, 2014

Digital Badge F- Chapter 8

This week I chose three concepts that I would really like to use in my future classroom. The concept social media, was listed in our book. The book concluded that social medias "are electronic tools that use computers and the Internet to make possible rapid exchange of information between people"(Maloy et al.,2014. I think that if some way I could incorporate social medias to my future students, it would help them stay more engaged in our class topics. Also, it may be a way to reach my students throughout the summer, and even be a reference for them to come back to in the future. Class website was discussed in chapter 8 as well, and I would love to have a class website. It would be convenient for students to get on the class website and see what their homework is for the night or even so that their parents can see what students are doing in the class. The last concept that I found was asynchronous communications. I would like to make asynchronous communication more available between my students and me. I hope to make it known that email and blog discussions are made for them to be able to reach me when they have questions. I hope to be able to present all of these concepts in my classroom so that I can better communicate to my students, and help them better succeed in my class.

1 comment:

  1. This chapter reading is always a favorite one as either students who use social media already gravitate towards it or others who would never consider it for the classroom are amazed! :) It will be interesting to see where the future goes with communication and collaboration tools, but I can bet that there will be more and varied tools! I like that you used a Linoit 'bulletin board' to post some of those related thoughts - do remember though that you still need to use Creative Commons or public domain images an properly attribute.

    Asynchronous communication is definitely a great goal. I think efforts to maintain those connections with both students and parents is extremely important - it is tough to balance school and family life when there is only synchronous, so being able to initiate or respond to another in one's own time availability is vital.
